STEM Week 2022
This year's STEM week experience at WPS has had a 'forensic science' theme. The children have really enjoyed using their scientific skills to solve crime scenes, engaging their technology and engineering expertise to solve technical problems associated with security and solving mathematical problems. Take a look at the video tour of our STEM Fair that the children enjoyed on the last day of our experience week!
The KS2 children were also able to solve puzzles and problems in our very own escape room! A valuable silver trophy was (temporarily) taken from our awards cabinet, and the children worked cooperatively to solve clues, unlock a safe and make predictions about the possible suspect.
This was the video that the children watched to find out that Jason - our escape room creator - was actually the thief whose aim it was to steal our precious trophy! Luckily, some of our children spotted critical clues that led to the capture of this 'master criminal' and the trophy was returned to its cabinet!