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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is a type of funding for schools in England to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. It was introduced by the government after evidence showed that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school, and often do not perform as well as other pupils. Schools use the funding to provide additional support for these children.

Who is eligible?

Children may be eligible for a variety of reasons, including (but not limited to) circumstances such as the level of family income and types of benefits received or whether the child is in care. Children who receive Free School Meals (FSM) may also be eligible.

How do I apply?

Complete and return the funding registration form to school. Unless your circumstances change, you will only need to apply once during your child's time at school. Pupil Premium funding is paid directly to school.

How do you decide what additional resources are needed, and what do you provide?

At Werrington Primary School our main priority is for each and every child to reach their full potential. We ensure that this happens through regular monitoring, support and adaptation of our provision for all children. We think carefully about the whole child and ensure our provision caters for this, for example:

  • providing breakfast each day for any child that would like it
  • enabling each child to attend one free after school sports club each week
  • supporting families financially with the costs of day and residential trips to ensure no child misses out on these amazing experiences
  • employing staff to spend time talking to the children and parents, ensuring emotional support is available too (this is in addition to the staff working in-class to support academic progress)

For more information read The Pupil Premium Impact of Strategy Report at the bottom of the page.

Pupil Voice

We think it is vital to ask our Pupil Premium children what their needs are and what they think would help them to learn better. Their comments help us decide how to best use the funding to help them achieve their potential. The children often tell us that they learn better when they simply have additional adults to help them, as it makes them feel more confident.

Some examples of Pupil Voice are shared below.